I have written a few posts on exercise today and how beneficial it is for each of us. I’m hoping that they have encouraged you all to try new forms of exercise (like canoeing) and give half an hour of your time to a quick walk. Though, the main thing that stops us from continuing with exercise routines and keeping motivated is our human ability to make excuses to not do something. Our lives are all busy and it’s too easy to convince ourselves why we can’t do something, especially when it involves exercising.
The excuse could be as small as “I’ve had too much to drink at lunch”, “I don’t have time”, “It’s too cold, I don’t want to get sick” or the biggest one, “I’ll just make up for it tomorrow”. Though when it comes to an outing or gathering, we are always up for an alcoholic drink or when we are offered a caramel slice, we gladly take it. We always seem to find a reason why we can’t push ourselves harder that day, can’t change our diet, drink less alcohol on the weekend, wake up early or make our wellbeing a priority. We can so easily do bad to our bodies yet find it so difficult to do good to them.
Instead of making the same excuses, we should all encourage ourselves to work harder on lessening these made up excuses and focusing more on creating solutions when it comes to exercise. For each excuse we make there is an alternative which will make all the difference to our own level of wellbeing. If we want the summer body we wish for, the healthy diet we want to make permanent and the enhanced wellbeing that we should all have, we need to escape the excuse making mindset and work at what we want to achieve.