The benefits of taking deeps breaths of air have been taken to a whole new level thanks to this new craze that’s just hitting Australia.
A new ‘Oxygen Bar’ called O2 has just opened in Darling Harbor, serving up oxygen-enriched air to those who desire it. It is not simply plain old air either. The bar provides a range of ‘scents’, anything from cappuccino to lime flavors are available for seeking sniffers.
For around $1.00 per minute, for up to 15 minutes, you are provided with 90% pure-flavored oxygen, says owner Alexi Fahad.
The idea of inhaling oxygen-enriched air began in Japan, where studies were conducted to find that we only inhale about 22% oxygen, the rest a mixture of carbon dioxide and other atmospheric gases.
According to promoters and advertising, consuming oxygen rich air can relieve headaches, ease hangovers and help combat jetlag. Concentrated oxygen is used for remedial purposes in hospital for asthma and emphysema patients, as well as pilots at high altitudes.
Despite various ridicule from exercise experts, claiming we don’t need an oxygen hit when we are resting, the concept it becoming more and more popular, due to the Earth’s diminished oxygen supply. Experts believe that the trend will double in the nest five years much like in the 1970’s when bottled water became popular as a result of water contamination events.
So, if you’re nursing a hangover, feeling a little flat or suffer from headaches, perhaps you could give O2 a try.
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