Top 11 Eco Kitchen Hints
It’s easy to make a difference in the kitchen with these easy tips from eco-friendly Munch:

- Dish Brushes
To start with, this is a straightforward and obvious issue. We will inhabit the planet for centuries to come if we keep using plastic dish brushes! You don’t want your great grandchildren to dig it up – yuck. To avoid this, use dish brushes made out of wood that is ethically sourced. There are also Munch wooden bottle brushes, cup brushes and vege brushes available.
- Dish Cloth
Dish cloths contain more than 90% microfibre, which clogs waterways and prevents landfills from breaking down. Therefore, switch over to a Swedish style dishcloth sporting cool designs made from cellulose cotton.
- Pot Scourers
Put an end to those pot scourers made from microfibre or even steel and say hello to our cellulose cotton and sisal natural pot scourers.
- Dish Soap and Liquids
We remember our grandmothers using dish soap in their sinks. But now Munch has recently released a soap that is 100% natural. with these you are saving over 6 plastic bottles.
You can use a refinery to refill a bottle of liquid dish soap if you are already using it and do not wish to switch. To refill with eco-cleaning products, there are plenty of choices on the market.
- Bench Top Cleaners
The market is full of brands that offer eco-eco-friendly multipurpose bench cleaners so keen an eye out for one.
- Beeswax Wraps, Cotton Food Covers and Silicone Food Covers
You can use silicone covers to cover meat, cotton food covers to cover salads, and beeswax wraps to cover everything except meat.
- Compost Bins
Designed to sit on your kitchen bench, this compost bin will allow you to easily put the leftover veg scraps in, which can then be put into your large compost bin outside.
- Food Pegs/Clips
Sealing packets with plastic clips is not a good idea. Stainless steel pegs or wooden food clips can be used to keep the food in packets closed when storing it.
- Food Containers
When storing food in the pantry for an extended period, glass containers are best.
- Reusable produce bags, bread bags and shopping bags
To replace the plastic bag, look for GOTS-certified organic produce bags, bread bags, and shopping bags.
- Shopping Lists on your Mobile
You and the environment can benefit from technology. Keep a shopping list on your mobile phone or set a reminder with Alexa or Siri!