What could possibly be a better place to keep your money than in your very own ATM Savings Bank? This is the new piggy bank of today, it’s electronic and has so many useful and easy features that make it that much easier for you to save all your hard earned cash!
This electronic cash machine allows you to deposit money into your ATM “account” whilst also allowing you to easily withdraw the notes or coins when you have the need to. You can even check your “balance” on the LCD display. The innovative gadget has the same overall function as a usual ATM machine, with extra bits that make it that much more real. This gadget features a few flashing lights and produces the same sounds as a real cash machine, making the experience as realistic as could be!
It’s entirely simple to use and convenient to store in your home or office, when you have some spare cash that you are trying really hard to not spend! All you do is deposit any amount of coins or notes into your Electronic Money Bank, they will be automatically identified and be instantly added to your savings total and show in your “balance”. Your deposits and withdrawals are also easily tracked with records kept on the machine of each deposit and withdrawal. The withdrawals also work the same way as a real ATM machine does, insert your card, enter your pin and there is your cash!