Gone is the common worry of finding a safe place for your bike, the latest cutting edge design from VANMOOF will keep your bike snug and theft-free no matter where you park it!
Straight off the shelf comes VANMOOF No.5, just like their other designs it is sleek, affordable and now completely self secure. The ultimate street smart bike has a chain and lock integrated into the frame. Simply pull it out, wrap it around a pole and turn the key in the frame and TA DA! Your bike is theft-proof. To unlock it’s as easy as placing it back in the frame.
VANMOOF no5 also comes with a highly developed solar powered LED light system built into its tubes, along with a completely rust-free aluminium frame. As it is fitted with the same indestructible light bulbs used on landing strips, the No.5 is completely night rider friendly.
This bike was built for the city. With an extremely lightweight frame, it is easy to lift and makes riding on and off pavements a breeze. The sleek colouring, broad handle bar and classic leather Brooks saddle all come together to complete a wonderfully durable yet super stylish urban bicycle.