Snoregust is the big push snorers and their partners need to take action against snoring. Starting from August 1, Snoregust will be embarking on a month-long campaign to get people talking about snoring and push them to find a solution. Snoring affects a huge number of Australians (men in particular) yet it is statistically unlikely any action will be taken to stop it.
Loud snoring isn’t just an embarrassing and annoying habit that should be put up with. Medical experts are now increasingly highlighting the seriousness of snoring. A form of sleep-disordered breathing, snoring negatively affects the snorer and their partner’s sleep quality and quantity. Causes of snoring are numerous and can include anything from throat and nasal abnormalities to drinking and carry excess weight.
Snoring is a common condition that can happen to anyone. Most prevalent in men and overweight people, snoring tends to worsen with age and chronic snoring is associated with several serious health issues, which includes obstructive sleep apnoea or OSA. Snoring occurs when the muscles of the airway relax excessively and vibrates when air passes in and out of the airway. To treat chronic snoring, medical assistance is vital.
Sue Yorston, Senior Manager at Relationships Australia says, “A snoring problem often creates not only tiredness but also frustration and resentment between couples. It’s important that open dialogue is encouraged by snorers and those affected by it.” Many treatments exist for chronic snoring; Mute™ is a unique nasal respiratory device that is effective at reducing the volume and frequency in the majority of its users. Mute™ is easy to use, drug free and fits discreetly on the inside of the nose. Rhinomed, the Melbourne based inventor of Mute™ will partner up with Mitch Dowd, Sleep GP and Discount Drug Stores to promote Snoregust.
Rhinomed CEO Michael Johnson comments “We hope the month gets people talking about how snoring effects them and starts to change the perception that it is a secret kept behind closed doors.”
Click here to find out what is going on during Snoregust.