Travelling by bicycle in the city of Sydney seems to becoming increasingly popular, with more and more people optioning for the bike ride to work rather than the car or public transport. With more people choosing to do their bit to help the environment, Sydney City now has cycle-ways in place to benefit and encourage Sydney riders.
They are called the Cycleways Network and are made to connect people and places to the spots where they work and live. It is a safe, healthy and environmentally friendly option suitable for most Sydneysiders.
With dedicated cycle-ways for Sydney bike riders, there can simply be faster travel for those who only travel a short distance, less traffic on the roads and much less overcrowding on the buses and trains. A bicycle ride is beneficial for everybody in every way and it is encouraged that those who don’t have the need to drive or catch public transport for travel, option for the healthier option of a bike ride through the built Cycleway Network.
With an already seen success over the past 12 months in these cycle-ways, there will soon be an additional ten routes which will connect the people of Sydney to major destinations around Sydney City. This is an ongoing development which is already showing great results from those living within Sydney City and the aim is to increase this success and gain more people riding their bike to wherever it may be they need to travel to.