The “Optimus Tactus” created by Artemy Lebedev suddenly happens to be appearing almost everywhere. Schemed in the colours of glossy black and grey, a LCD screen placed in the centre of the keyboard, and the touch sensitive keys, it is certain that this is one stylishly functional keyboard.
This keyboard is almost an artwork display with the innovative design as well as the LCD screen made for watching videos and viewing photos as well as simple programs available to instantly switch the mode from typing to video or music.
The “Optimus Tactus” has keys susceptive to your touch which could be a little difficult at first, but like anything else you will become accustomed to this and most likely find it preferable once you are comfortable. The keys also aren’t made just for typing in the English language; you will also have the option of Ancient Greek, Arabic and many others.
As they are such an advancement in technology and completely redefine the concept of a keyboard, they do cost quite a bit more than your usual, standard keyboard. Though, for a few thousand dollars you can have your very own “Optimus Tactus”.