Born in 2005 in the US West Coast port city of Oakland, California; technology platform Livescribe have joined the revolution that aims to push the humble pen and paper into the digital age. Jim Marggraff (Director, Livescribe) and his team of developers saw the enduring value of pen and paper, which has been used by humans for thousands of years in forms as polar as charcoal on prehistoric cave walls to the modern day ball-point pen on commercialised notepads. Marggraff and Co.’s inspiration was drawn from this compelling and everlasting need and desire to take notes. Today, our fast-paced lifestyles demand a way to note take efficiently and store them safely. With “old fashioned” pen and paper, our important notes are prone to damage and loss. They cannot be shared easily, and are physically bound and limited. Livescribe are helping to change this. Central to the Livescribe platform is the Smartpen, with which they aim to create a more connected world and complete freedom of expression. For more information about Livescribe and their Smartpens, please visit Livescribe.
Atal Hakikat
Join Atal Hakikat on his realm of review guides online. An experienced writer covering topics from the latest technologies, automotive, food, beauty & more!