I only recently took the VW Tiguan, the 110TSI Comfortline to be exact for a run. I thought what better way to ‘familiarise myself with the car than by combining a family outing with some light off-road testing!!
So my wife and I headed off to Goulburn last Saturday morning with the three kids for what turned out to be a very pleasant and memorable trip. My brother has a 100-acre property on the outskirts of Goulburn, a comfortable two-hour drive from Sydney….made more enjoyable in the beautiful weather by the VW Tiguan’s sunroof.

We loved the VW Tiguan, with its lane guidance and park assist being just a couple of the many features we used in the journey. My kids are aged 14, 11 and 10 and had plenty of room on the back seat…..not that we heard more than a peep out of them as they were able to recharge their iPads themselves and also adjust the air-con without asking mum or dad to do it for them.
As you know, New South Wales has been gripped by bushfires for several months, and much of the state by drought for many years but through the grace of Allah, the heavens opened during our visit to what is known as the ‘Lilac City’, with three hours of beautiful, drenching rain.
The bare ground soaked up the rain gratefully, with the dams on the property filling quickly.
My brother said that it’s been over 12 months since Goulburn has seen anything like this kind of rainfall and described it as the “best rain in years”.
With a population of 24,000 and named after Henry Goulburn, a high profile British politician of the early 1800s, Goulburn is a lovely town to visit. I think trips like this are a must for families, to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, even for the day as we were able to spend some quality time together, without the interruption of TVs blaring, phones ringing and doors knocking!! It was a great experience, sitting down and chatting with my sons in such a peaceful and serene farmland setting.
The trip from Sydney to Goulburn and back used less than half a tank of petrol so fuel economy is yet another of the Tiguan’s many features. Now, I am no Jeremy Clarkson, but I really enjoyed the off-road testing! I wouldn’t say we experienced four seasons in one, but the VW Tiguan was just so easy to drive around the property, both wet and dry, and it basically can do anything a four-wheel drive can do.
In a family of five with three kids full of life, energy and opinions of their own, our views on what to watch on TV or which restaurant to visit aren’t always unanimous. But we all thoroughly enjoyed our day out and we all absolutely love the VW Tiguan.