In an easy four-step process your house will be clear of nonsense in no time. Until now, there have been little to no options for people in their war against graffiti: calling in costly professionals; using products that require commercial grade pressure washers and harsh and dangerous chemicals; or having to reapply the paint after every attack.

Australian property owners are facing an ever-growing increase in graffiti where the estimated cost of vandalism to Australians is upwards of $2.7 billion a year. Often homeowners are left to their own devices to get rid of the vandalism, as many insurance policies do not cover graffiti meaning that the cost of graffiti vandalism is high, not only in dollars and perceived property value, but also of the danger to safety it represents. “Real estate prices can suffer as prospective tenants or buyers, not privy to a graffiti-affected area, can associate tagging on personal property with unruliness, social decline and antisocial behaviour, despite the property’s interior being in impeccable condition,” says Brett Brook from Lead Estate Agents.
That is where Dulux Precision Anti Graffiti Coating comes in. Dulux made the coating to resist all graffiti paint systems – spray paints and markers – and it only needs to be applied once to provide ongoing protection. This revolutionary coating empowers homeowners to be able to remove graffiti by themselves, and not worry about the cost or damage of removal.
Suitable for painted and unpainted surfaces including timber, concrete, brick and render surfaces, Dulux Precision® Anti Graffiti Coating is easy to apply with a brush, roller or spray gun. The coating is fast drying, low in odour and VOCs and provides an effective barrier against dirt, acid, road grime, pollution and iron staining. When the coating is applied directly to bare and uncoated surfaces the coating is permanent.
With the launch of Dulux Precision® Anti Graffiti Coating, the battle lines have been redrawn and homeowners are now in a position to protect their valuable assets. With a little price of RRP $190 (2 litres) and $290 (4 litres), you can say “Be gone, unruly teens! Dulux protects me now!” Dulux Precision Anti Graffiti Coating is available in Bunnings, Mitre 10, Inspirations and independent hardware stores.