If you’re a tech-obsessed individual or if you have a family, you probably have more than one computer in your home. Having files stored in multiple places isn’t ideal, and can become a nightmare when you’re trying to find one specifically…of course it’s never where you think it will be! Thankfully, Seagate have designed the Seagate Home network storage, for centralised storage that frees your computer files. This clever device automatically and continuously backs-up all your important files from up to three home PC’s and Mac® computers. The Seagate Home network storage system offers users more digital freedom and a greater ability to share your media with devices in any room of your home. Unlike so many products that have complex set-up requirements, Seagate has made it easy for us, with only two cable connections necessary and a simple prompts to follow. By connecting to your wireless router, you can stream movies, photos and music to your networked computers, WiFi-enabled game consoles and music players. It is the perfect solution for local storage and cloud access! Furthermore, download the GoFlexAccess™ app onto your iPhone, iPad and Android, and never leave another important file at home again! By launching the app and logging in, you will have access to all your files stored on home computers. Those dreaded hours on public transport will be easier to tolerate too as you’ll also have ability to view photos, stream videos and play music. The Seagate Home network storage system is available from Seagate for: 1TB: AUD $219 2TB: AUD $269 3TB: AUD $369 www.seagate.com
SEAGATE : Brand Profile
Seagate is a leader in storage device technology, developing and pioneering solutions that have powered our world since 1979. Although a US owned brand, Seagate has established a reputable name in locations as diverse as parts of Western Europe, China, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, India, Malaysia and Australia. Manufacturers of hard disc drives, solid state drives and solid state hybrid drives; Seagate continues to develop products which are reliable, compatible, responsive and highly intelligent. Whether or not we realise it, they act as our business partner, hold our stories and memories, provide our entertainment and help us communicate. By 2008, Seagate reached the astonishing milestone of shipping one billion drives worldwide. This first-of-its-kind achievement was followed by the release of new Seagate innovations, including their first solid state drives, solid state hybrid drives, the first 1TB per disc capacity point and the industry’s thinnest 2.5inch hard drive. As the worldwide leader of cloud computing solutions, Seagate has made sure their Unified Storage aligns closely to flexible computer options for greater collaboration. All Seagate systems are rigorously tested to ensure optimal and unrivalled performance for businesses and system builders. Not only is the Seagate brand valued highly in the demanding corporate and business environment. Their expanding range of products designed especially for family use show their commitment to storing and safeguarding your most important digital assets at home too. For more information on the Seagate brand, visit their website. www.seagate.com